Healthy Dog Food Ltd cold pressed pellets retains all the natural nutrients, vitamins and minerals present in the ingredients used after processing into pellets. Healthy Dog Food Ltd cold pressed pellets retains all the natural smells and flavours of the ingredients used, so no need for artificial smells, flavours and colours. Healthy Dog Food Ltd low temperature cooking does not lead to the denature of proteins, Rendering the essential amino acids as undigestible. Amino acids are essential in the diet for maintaining the immune system, repairing body cells and producing hormones. Healthy Dog Food Ltd low temperature cooking of the starch in the ingredients will not produce a chemical called Acrylamide, which converts to a compound called glycidamide, which causes mutations and damage to D.N.A, resulting in cancers when too much is eaten over a long period of time. Healthy Dog Food Ltd low temperature cooking of proteins does not produce a chemical called cyclic-carbo amines, whi...
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